8 Strengths Of Introverts 📽️

By many, being introverted is seen as a weakness. Introverts rather stay on the background, often hesitate to make a decision and get fatigued by social interaction. But these so-called weaknesses are easily compensated by a series of strengths that are generally overlooked, despite the fact that they are invaluable in many different settings. The […]

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How to be a Loner 📽️

Einzelgänger is a german word that could be translated as lone wolf. It is the animal that does not live in a pack. Or at least: doesn’t want to. In the human world, we call this person a loner. A person that follows his or her own path.  I have called this channel Einzelgänger because […]

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6 Signs You’re A Sigma Male 📰

Most people have heard of alpha and beta males. But what if you don’t fit into one of these categories? In that case, you might be a sigma male. Sigma males like to serve themselves. They couldn’t care less about what others think about them and won’t spend a second seeking validation, except the validation […]

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