What’s done is done | Letting go of the past

Being immersed in paperwork during the last few weeks, I feel like I’m running a company. Officially, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Lately, I’ve been watching YouTube stats, submitting my earnings to the government for tax cuts, applying SEO to my videos for better rankings, examining past results, and speculating future expectations. It’s a shame, […]

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180 Days Without Alcohol 📰

For my non-Western audience this may sound a bit strange, but not drinking for 180 consecutive days is a big thing for a Westerner. When I’m writing this, I’m officially on day 177 so my grandmother would say that I challenge the Devil by getting ahead of myself. But since I’m currently residing in Southeast […]

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The Joy of a Simple Life 📰

Hello everyone! This week is my third short sabbatical, although I can’t really say it is. I still have a lot of work to do, although I’ve granted myself a slower pace. I’ve already created and uploaded Wednesday’s and Sunday’s videos, so my channel will go auto-pilot the coming days which is a huge relief. […]

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6 Signs You’re A Sigma Male 📰

Most people have heard of alpha and beta males. But what if you don’t fit into one of these categories? In that case, you might be a sigma male. Sigma males like to serve themselves. They couldn’t care less about what others think about them and won’t spend a second seeking validation, except the validation […]

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