Ethical Rudeness 📽️

We live in an age in which freedom of speech and ´saying what we want´ is seen as one of the most important rights of a human being. But does that make rudeness a virtue? While I think that people should have freedom of speech and that unpopular opinions should not be punished, we could […]

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Purposelessness 📽️

There is a difference between having a purpose and acting out of purposelessness.  Acting out of purposelessness is an act of spontaneity. Behavior that isn’t goal-directed is often seen as genuine. We’ve all seen that little boy who acts funny without the goal of being funny. When he finds out that people are laughing about […]

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Sigma Male Or Joker? 📽️

The Sigma Male is the hierarchical chameleon that shapeshifts himself through life and by his very nature does not belong anywhere. Because a sigma male rather sees human existence as a game, he sometimes chuckles a bit when he sees people taking life too seriously. There is another creature that does the same. We call […]

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4 Benefits Of Being Ugly 📽️

In the current day and age, everyone wants to look great. Why? Well, perhaps for social acceptance, career success or mate selection. But looking great isn’t always great, and being ugly has a bright side. You don’t believe me? In this video, I will give you 4 benefits of being ugly. Looksmaxing. It’s a new […]

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How to be a Loner 📽️

Einzelgänger is a german word that could be translated as lone wolf. It is the animal that does not live in a pack. Or at least: doesn’t want to. In the human world, we call this person a loner. A person that follows his or her own path.  I have called this channel Einzelgänger because […]

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6 Signs You’re A Sigma Male 📰

Most people have heard of alpha and beta males. But what if you don’t fit into one of these categories? In that case, you might be a sigma male. Sigma males like to serve themselves. They couldn’t care less about what others think about them and won’t spend a second seeking validation, except the validation […]

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